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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২০ জুলাই ২০২২

শ্রেষ্ঠত্বের সনদপত্র

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2020-12-28


Controller General of Accounts, Bangladesh Mr. Md. Zahurul Islam has been awarded for the National Integrity Strategy (NIS)-2020. He received the Award from the Senior Secretary, Finance Division on 27th December, 2020.


Certificate of Excellence



Ms. Hia Paul, ACAO, IRD secured 2nd position in the P-60th Foundation Training Course at BPATC. She received the Certificate of Excellence from the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 31st March, 2016. She met Controller General of Accounts (CGA) Mr. Md. Abul Kashem on 10th April, 2016 at CGA office.


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Mr. Montosh Chandra (left), Upazila Accounts Officer, attended “Public Administration ICT Leaders and Specialists Program” from 24-28 August, 2015 in Singapore. He shows his certificate to CGA.


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Md. Mazharul Islam, ACAO, Ministry of Food & Disaster Management and Taslema Sultana, AD, Foreign Aided Project Audit Directorate (under order of transfer to CGA) secured 19th and 23rd position respectively in the 57th Foundation Training Course at BPATC. They met Controller General of Accounts (CGA) Mr. Md. Abul Kashem on 22nd December, 2014.


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