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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫

প্রাক্তন সিজিএ ফাহমিদা ইসলাম

Fahmida Islam
From 30.07.2023 to 24.12.2023
Controller General of Accounts (CGA)
Home District: Feni


Education: Fahmida Islam obtained her graduate and post-graduate degrees in Economics from the University of Dhaka. Additionally, she did Masters in Development Economics from the Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA.


Professional Experience:

Fahmida Islam, a career civil servant, joined the office as the Controller General of Accounts (CGA) on 30th July 2023. She joined Bangladesh Civil Service (Audit and Accounts cadre) in 1991 and has since held various positions in the Government.

Prior to this position, Fahmida Islam has served as the Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General (Senior). She worked in various capacities within Audit & Accounts Department including Additional Director General (Finance) of Bangladesh Railway; Director General of Financial Management Academy (FIMA); Senior Finance Controller (Army); Director General, Transport Audit Directorate; Director General, Railway Audit Directorate; Joint Director General (Finance), Bangladesh Railway; Chief Accounts and Finance Officer (CAFO), Ministry of Home affairs; CAFO, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock; CAFO, Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges. Apart from serving in various positions within the department, she received training in the field of Debt Management (Vietnam and Singapore), Public Expenditure Management (Japan), Auditing of Social Sectors (India) and different short training on different streams of Audit in the department. She has visited National Audit Office (UK) and Office of the Auditor General of New Zealand on study tour.

Fahmida Islam has been imparting training on Audit related issues, within the department and outside the department. She visited Japan, South Korea, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, London, Singapore, Malaysia, Colombo, Maldives, Turkey etc. on official assignment.